Periodontal Treatment
We recognize that healthy gums are the key to a healthy mouth and body. Periodontal disease (gum disease) can develop quickly and become a serious threat to your oral health if not treated. But with prompt treatment and monitoring, we can easily control gum disease and protect your oral health.
Your Comfort Comes First
Dr. Prais and our entire professional team are committed to helping you achieve excellent dental health. One of the best ways we can do this is by helping you feel comfortable about seeking treatment for periodontal disease at our Murrieta dental office. Every member of our team will go out of our way to make you feel at home because when you are with us, you are our most important patient!
Treating Periodontal Disease Protects Your Overall Health
Gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects the gum and bone tissue surrounding your teeth. When periodontal disease develops, it can cause your teeth to loosen and even lead to tooth and bone loss. You may be surprised to learn that gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults.
Prompt treatment of gum disease is especially important as recent studies indicate that a connection exists between the health of your mouth and your overall wellness. We now know that chronic diseases of the mouth like periodontal disease can contribute to serious complications like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even premature and low birth-weight babies
Your Partner in Periodontal Treatment
Our approach to periodontal care is to work with you to meet your specific needs and dental goals. Our thorough-yet-gentle hygienists work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan designed to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Your periodontal condition will be thoroughly examined and monitored so that we can develop a plan that will be most effective in helping to maintain the health of your gums.
Your periodontal health is important, and we will go over your treatment plan in detail, taking the time necessary to answer all your questions. Our goal is to work hand-in-hand with you to stop gum disease in its tracks and help you understand how you can avoid further infections.